Does art get pushed to the back of your homeschool?
With the best of intentions, you plan to get to it … but then things happen?
Math takes too long. Somebody doesn’t want to finish their handwriting. The dishwasher breaks.
Whatever it is — art gets pushed to the back burner week after week after week.
Well, no longer!
This lovely book is one that I used for years with my elementary-aged kids. We loved the projects. AND I loved the fact that we were doing art AND history at the same time. So doing it happened waaaay more often!
An easy book (even if you’re not an artists AT ALL) to put a little more art in your homeschool.
CLICK HERE to check it out for your homeschool:
A little dash of history … a sprinkling of periodic table … and a great story … all mixed together —
THAT’s what makes this particular book that I’m sharing with you today such a great way to mix things up for science in your homeschool.
CLICK HERE to check it out for your homeschool:
School is out for the summer … or you’re awfully close.
(If you’re like me, you haven’t done a ton for most of May. I just shift into a different head space when the weather gets nice!)
But that doesn’t mean I’m not thinking about learning and how my kids can STILL be learning amazing things even when I’m not planning a complete homeschool day.
And I’m already starting to look toward fall (just a little!) and think about what we’re going to do next year.
That’s why I LOVE resources like Liberty Kids. They’re fun to grab and watch during the summer … but I can also put them on during the school year when I can’t bring myself to plan one more subject.
And I’m always on the hunt for resources that work for all my kids — and all their ages. Because I’m busy just like you. And I need things that work for my homeschool without fail — even when I’m tired, or the kids are sick, or we’re burned out from our regular stuff.
As you begin planning for next year, build in some of the “fun” stuff. They take the pressure off you and helps your homeschooling be just a little easier. 🙂
What’s more fun than quizzing your kids on what they know?
ANSWER: When your kids get to quiz you!
Right now in our homeschool, we are having a BLAST with a book called “The Dictionary of Cultural Literacy.”
My kids open up to a random page, ask me a question, and wait to see if I can pull the answer out of my brain …
Sometimes I can, sometimes I can’t.
Either way … amazing learning is happening.
I’m always pleasantly surprised when the simplest things inspire fantastic learning in my home … even after all these years.
Check out the video for more details about the book and more awesome ways that you can use it to inspire learning in your home!
Ready to take the challenge? … Do you or your kids know more about history?
Get ready for awesome learning and amazing bunny trails in this fabulous history timeline game for all ages.
Click HERE if you want to check Timeline out for your homeschool.
What happens when you combine an engaging story, Ancient China, and an elementary math concept?
A fabulous way to get your kids excited about learning math!
What happens when you mash up “Where’s Waldo?” with “A Moment in History” … this amazing homeschool history resource.
My kids have spent YEARS going through this book. Finding extra tidbits every step of the way.