Do your kids (and you) moan when it’s time to do grammar?
What if I told you it was possible to actually laugh out loud while learning about nouns and verbs and phrases and clauses … ?
Well … it IS possible.
Because this book that I’m going to share with you does just that.
It will make you laugh and giggle and guffaw … all while teaching your kids AND you everything you need to know to write a flawless English sentence.
CLICK HERE to check it out for your homeschool
Student Edition:
Teacher Edition:
Some parts of learning are intrinsically fun — science experiments, family board games, cool fieldtrips.
And some parts … well maybe not so much. I’m not sure ANYONE loves to do long division.
Grammar tends to fall into that camp for a lot of kids.
Absolutely necessary to write well and communicate effectively. But something you choke down — like badly cooked brussel sprouts — because you know it’s good for you.
Except it doesn’t HAVE to be that way!
Your kids learn to talk by being immersed in language … trying things out, and learning what works and what doesn’t. Their speaking grammar improves organically.
Their writing grammar can be learned the same way. Piece by piece in an immersive way. Fixing mistakes along the way. Figuring out what works and what doesn’t.
That’s why I love A Sentence a Day by Samantha Prust. It’s immersive grammar that sticks — while making you and your kids smile.
In this week’s video, I also talk about the science of learning … and why this type of grammar is particularly effective in helping your kids retain what they are working on.
Click HERE to check it out for your homeschool.