I’ve never met a single homeschool mom who doesn’t worry about her kids.
And even though we tell each other NOT to worry, we still do.
So today, I’m sharing my thoughts on “worry” and what you should do about it.
And I’m including one little thing I try to remember that helps me on the days when the worry seems to be spiraling out of control.
Because the truth is . You’ll never stop worrying.
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Hello! My name's ToriAnn Perkey, and from my homeschool to your homeschool, I've got a little secret for you. You are never going to stop worrying about your homeschooling, but I also want to tell you that you need to worry less. What? Like how can I hold both of those in my brain?
Well, here's the deal, guys. Everybody worries. Whether you homeschool or not, every parent worries about their kids. We worry. We want them to be successful, and we don't know what the end result is going to be. So, of course we're going to worry. We're going to worry if they get into college. We're going to worry if they're going to know enough. We're going to worry if they have the skills to be successful. We're going to worry if they're going to find the right person and get married. We're going to worry about all of those things. That is super normal. That's called being a parent. But when worry becomes paralyzing, it's not so hot. So, so, I also want to encourage you to worry less.
The reality is that if you are showing up every day, if you are trying, if you are making an effort, you're doing a lot better than you think you are. I know that's hard to believe, but it's true. You are doing better than you think you are. I know because I stand in groups of other homeschooling moms, and we're all talking, and we're all worrying.
And yet when I look at their kids, and I'm teaching their kids in these homeschool co-ops with teens, I'm looking at their kids I'm thinking, “What are you worried about? This kid is amazing. I'm seeing this, and I'm seeing this.” And they're like, “Yeah, well, what about this?” I'm thinking, “No, you are doing amazing things, and this kid is doing amazing. He's amazing.”
And then I start talking about my kid and I'm like, “Oh, I'm worried about this, and I'm worried about this.” And they're like, “Are you kidding? I love this kid of yours. I love this about them and this about them.” I think, “Oh yeah, I guess those things are going pretty well.”
So, as a homeschool community, we need to worry less, but we will never stop worrying. We're never going to stop, but I want to encourage you to stop worrying quite so much. Like I said if you're showing up every day, if you're trying, if you're trying to give an education to this kid, if you're working hard on the parenting and the life skills like if you're just trying -- and I'm talking trying. I'm not talking perfection. I'm talking trying -- then you're doing okay.
Your kids are going to be okay. They're going to grow up and be amazing people. You're going to do okay. You are doing okay. I meet you at conferences. I talk to you in the park. I talk to you guys everywhere. Your kids are going to be okay.
So, stop worrying quite so much. Just a little bit. Just a little bit of worry. You're going to have to worry a little bit. It's still going to happen, but you don't have to worry as much as you are worrying.
I'm ToriAnn Perkey, and I make these videos every week so that you can be a super successful and confident homeschool mom.
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