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A3 Feworry-failing-kids-homeschoolel like Failing


Do you lie in bed at night and worry that you’re failing your kids in your homeschool? Here’s the #1 thing I do when I start to feel that way. | how to homeschool | worry about homeschooling | homeschool for beginners | where to start homeschooling | for the homeschool mom | don’t give up homeschooling | homeschool high school | homeschool middle school | homeschool kindergarten & first grade |

About the Author ToriAnn Perkey

I'm ToriAnn Perkey. I've been homeschooling since 2004, when my oldest daughter was 3 1/2. I'm a mother, mentor, teacher, presenter, and musician. One of my favorite pastimes is learning about ... anything! Read more here.

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