How to
Track MyTechHigh
A Simple System to Track and Submit All Your MyTechHigh Expenses
MyTechHigh is an amazing program, but ...
Tracking and submitting your expenses for MyTechHigh ... what you purchased ... how much money you have left ... how to turn in your reimbursement ... eek! It's enough to lose your mind!
I get it!
I've had four kids in MyTechHigh since 2013. And at first, I felt like I was swimming in piles of random bits of information.
What was I buying?
How much money had I spent?
Was I using the money in the best possible way for my family?
And when it was time to do reimbursements ... where WERE all my dang receipts?!?
Back then, I spent HOURS and HOURS (more than I like to think about) tracking down all of my receipts and putting them in a format that MyTechHigh would actually accept.
It was a nightmare!
But over the years, it got easier and easier! ... And now I've perfected a system that helps me plan my expenses for the year, track everything as I spend my money, and submit my reimbursements in almost no time at all. (Yay!!)
Now I want to teach you to do the same!
In How to Track MyTechHigh, I'll teach you my entire system to plan, track, and submit your expenses as effortlessly as possible.
In this training, you'll get ...
- Step-by-step video instruction with my best systems and practices
- A simple way to track all of your expenses - either on your computer or using Google Sheets
- How to organize all of your receipts so they're easy to find (actually THREE ways - you pick the best one for you!)
- A streamlined process to submit your reimbursements
- Tips to maximize your reimbursement money - so you know you're getting the best "bang for your buck"
PLUS - you'll also get ...
- A quick-look reference guide for the most important details of tracking and submitting reimbursements
- A programmed and color-coded Excel spreadsheet and Google sheet that you can fill in with your own MTH expenses (works no matter how many kids you have in the program)
- A template for receipts that you can easily modify when you need to make your own
- Extra video trainings on how to use Excel or Google sheets (if your not completely comfortable with that software)
A 30-Day “Learn It & Try It”
Money-Back Guarantee
I've done my best to share all my best systems to make tracking and submitting your MyTechHigh expenses as painless as possible.
I stand by each program I create. If you go through the entire training and use the expense tracker, and you're not completely satisfied, please contact me within 30 days, and I'll refund the entire price of your training.
How to Track MyTechHigh
will make your life so much easier because ...
- You'll easily be able to plan your expenses at the beginning of the year ... and you'll know how to maximize the money that MyTechHigh has to offer.
- You'll know what to do with each receipt as you spend money - and you'll know you can find it again when you need it.
- You'll know exactly how much money you've spent ... and how much money you have left for each kid.
- You'll easily be able to gather all your information when it's time for reimbursements - and submissions will be approved the first time because they'll be so organized and clear.